Some of my work-in-progress tech content
Karan Bhanot in his article on describes a nice template of serving machine learning functionality over a Flask web application that has a React front end.
The code repository is
The example use case is iris flowers prediction. To run it, clone the repository and open two terminals. In both of them, cd into example/iris-data-classifier/ML-React-App-Template and run the following commands:
Terminal 1
$ cd ui
$ yarn install
$ sudo npm install -g serve
$ npm run build
$ serve -s build -l 3000
Terminal 2
$ cd service
$ flask run
The run command throws an error:
from werkzeug import cached_property
Import_Error : cannot import name ‘cached_property’
To fix this error, two changes are required.
1) requirements.txt
change flask-restplus==0.12.1
to flask-restx==0.2.0
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
In the line: from flask_restplus import Api, Resource, fields
change flask_restplus
to flask_restx
After executing the command ‘npm run build’ in Terminal 1 and starting the servers in both the terminals, you can access the application at
I have forked the repository and made the changes, you can check out and run the application without errors. It’s available at: