MH Tutorials Cleanup Stuff

Some of my work-in-progress tech content

Build a React + Flask App that Suggests Novel Novels with a Python Graph

Jay Franck in his article describes a recommendation application based on GoodReads data using a Python graph. The summary is:

The code repository is at

How to run
Terminal 1
The following steps are required only once after you have checked out the code.
$ npx create-react-app gwr

Copy all the files from the ReactApp folder and paste them in gwr folder

Terminal 2
$ export FLASK_APP=api
$ flask run

Let the flask app complete building the graph and be ready to serve web requests. That is, wait until you see the following line at the prompt:
* Running on htpp:// (Press CTRL+C to quit)

Then, go to Terminal 1

Terminal 1
$ cd gwr
$ npm start


  1. ./src/index.js
    Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css’
    $ yarn add semantic-ui-css

  2. Error: [BABEL] /mnt/e/Code/Python/Flask Applications/GoodReadsGraph/gwr/src/index.js: Cannot find module ‘@babel/helper-builder-react-jsx’
    $ yarn add @babel/helper-builder-react-jsx

  3. return jsonify({“image_url”: ouput_URL}), 200
    NameError: name ‘ouput_URL’ is not defined
    Line 58: change ouput_URL to output_URL
    Make the same change in lines 46 and 47.

For some reason, the book recommendation does not appear unless you refresh the page.
That is, Enter ‘Neuromancer’ in the input text field and click Add.
In the text field, you will see ‘We found your favorite book!’.
Then, refresh the webpage (F5 or Ctrl-R) and the recommended book will appear below the Add button.

The Python notebook having the whole application code also has errors.
The path to the ratings.csv and books.csv had to be corrected by prepending with api/ as follows:
uir = pd.read_csv("data/goodbooks-10k-master/ratings.csv") books = pd.read_csv("data/goodbooks-10k-master/books.csv")

I have forked the repository and made the changes, you can check out and run the application without errors. It’s available at: